2008 Powerlifting Super Shows
The Super Power Events of 2008 - 2009 !!!
  2008 Superlifting Pro Bench Press

We are all familiar with how much weight the professional powerlifters of today can perform a traditional 1-rep-max.  The 1-rep max has been the mainstay of Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting.  These pros and the 1-rep maxes they performed have been the talk of the strength world for many years. However, every weight lifter knows the challenge of maximum repetitions.  Now we will finally see what powerlifting’s bench press stars bench for repetitions in official competition conditions!  Enter another first in the history of powerlifting.  True power competition as it’s never been seen before.  500 – 800 pounds or more performed for not just one, but for multiple repetitions before our very eyes in official competition.  It's the sensational spectacle sure to keep everyone glued to their seats.  The Europa Super Show’s Superlifting Pro Bench Press will feature this fantastic new format.  Competitors will have the time of their lives while competing for fame and cash.  Powerbuilders, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts will be amazed!  Hardcore powerlifters will love it!  Veins, necks, faces and tendons will bulge and stretch as the mind-boggling weights are lifted for the ultimate win, not merely for 1-rep, but for multiple repetitions, super maximums to determine who shall wear the crowns of Pro Superlifting glory.


Here’s how the competition works:

  Competitors choose a weight that’s a multiple of 50.  In other words, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, etc.  The competitor who lifts the most weight by at least 2 repetitions wins the contest.  Each competitor is allowed 2 sets.  The better of the two sets counts as the placing set for the competitor.  If there's a tie after the 2 sets, the sets continue until a competitor breaks the tie.  After the first set, each competitor may go for less weight, more weight, or the same weight on each subsequent set.

3 rules of performance apply:  1. Pause on chest. 2. Lock out. 3. Butt on bench.  The head referee will give two commands: “Press!” upon bar motionless at chest for each repetition. The referee will say “One!” “Two!” “Three!” and so forth for each successful repetition.  If a rep is missed, the referee will say the last number that applies.  For example, when the competitor gets his first rep, the referee will say “One!”.  If the competitor misses his second rep, the referee will say “One!” again.  The competitor will have the choice of racking the weight and ending his set, or attempting another repetition.  A set is complete when the bar is racked.
Personal equipment: APF style personal gear in the pro division.

Competitor's Strategy:
  The ideal strategy, analogous to a 9-for-9 day in full-powerlifting, is to get your best 2 rep set on the first set to secure your placing.  If you can do 3 reps with say 400 but only 1 rep with 450, you’ll want the 3 reps with 400 because only rep sets count toward the placings.  Then take the second set to rep out a lower weight for the national rankings, and to please the audience. 

However if you have a close competitor and you’re tied with each other on the first set, you’ll go for a tie breaker.  A tie is when both of you lifted the same weight for the same number of reps.  Then you’ll want to do the most weight for the most reps on your second set again.  If there’s still a tie, a third set will be granted, and a fourth set, and so-forth until there’s a winner.  This scenario can be even more exciting to the audience.  The Europa has large audiences, and this scenario is quite possible.

If one competitor lifts 450 x 2, and another competitor lifts 400 x 4, the competitor who lifted 450 x 2 wins the set.  The 400 x 4 competitor would want to attempt 450 x 3 to take back the win.

Prize Money:
  Superlative Productions is providing Over $20,000 in prize money between the Europa Super Show and another venue to be formally announced soon.  The Europa will award Over $10,000 of this prize money to three weight classes and three places per weight class.  This is also the perfect spot to grab the attention of supplement company sponsors and various other company representatives that will be at the Europa.

Superlifting Pro Bench Press Weight Classes:
under 198, 198-259 (Heavyweight), and over 259 (Superheavyweight). National rankings in repetitions will be established and kept for all the traditional weight classes.  Official national and world records will be recorded, and official certificates will be awarded.

  Come by and join us at the Powerlifting Supershow FORUM with all your questions, discussions and comments about the Superlifting Pro Bench Press, Pendlay Bar Olympic Weightlifting meet, Real Raw bench meet, and the entire Powerlifting Supershow!

The Superlifting Pro Bench Press is presented by Superlative Productions.  Meet Director: Kirk Stroud.  Venue: Ed and Betty Pariso's Europa Super Show Sports Expo.